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Da DigTea siden 2016 har benyttet en anden og mere sikker m...
Brugere af ældre udgaver af QR-bøger, vil kunne opleve at den tilhørende lyd-videofil ikke er tilgængelig efter 1. september 2017. Årsagen skyldes at DropBox, som vi har benyttet frem til 2016, ikke længere tilbyder offentlig (public) adgang til deres system.
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Alec and Milton are on a walk.They see a pet shop and go inside … Hent indlæsning HER
Ali has the day off, but he is bored. Ali helps dad wash the car, but then Ali crosses the line... Hent indlæsning HER
Ali, Maria and Mia are playing a game. Peter asks if he can join them. Ali says no, but he regrets saying it and is embarrassed by what he did.. Hent indlæsning HER
Ali and Mia are friends. Peter and Maria make fun of them. That makes Ali lose control. Hent indlæsning HER
Ali’s class is doing a school play. Ali sees a thief. But nobody will listen ... Hent indlæsning HER
A Guided Tour of London giver i et simpelt sprog læseren indblik i Londons vigtigste attraktioner, og hvad de er for en type bygning eller sted. Hent indlæsning HER
Eve is new in class. Nobody will talk to her during break. When Mia misses a goal, Eve laughs at her and it all goes wrong... Hent indlæsning HER
Little Red Riding Hood goes into the woods. Here she meets the wolf. She is not afraid. She doesn’t know that wolves are dangerous.
Lucy’s mum is very ill and might die. Ali and Maria go to visit Lucy, but Lucy doesn’t want any visitors that day ... Hent indlæsning HER
Milton, Ramsey and Carla play in the snow. Suddenly they see some tracks … Hent indlæsning HER
Peter and Ali build a den. When they are about to have snacks they hear a noise... Hent indlæsning HER
Peter’s cat is dead, but Ali doesn’t know what to say. He thinks that he is a bad friend, but then he talks to his dad. Hent indlæsning HER
Sophie’s mum and dad are getting a divorce and Sophie is very sad. But then she talks to her classmates and maybe it’s not such a bad thing after all ... Hent indlæsning HER
Little Cloud wants to go hunting with her dad, but she is not big enough to go with him. One day she rides after her dad who has gone hunting, without telling her mum .. Hent indlæsning HER
When Max woke up he was a zombie and being a zombie is not easy at all ... Hent indlæsning HER
Zoe wants a brother. She goes to an orphanage with Dad. They can’t find the perfect brother, but then he finds them … Hent indlæsning HER
The little mouse heard a noise and thought that the sky was falling down. He had to tell the king what was happening ... Hent indlæsning HER
In the middle of the night Mo finds a thief in the house. The thief hits Mo with a cane and Mo drops dead ... Hent indlæsning HER
“Beware of the wolf. Don’t let him eat you!” the mother and father pigs said. Then the three little pigs left their home. Hent indlæsning HER
There is an ugly giant in Odin’s castle. He sends for Thor to help him. Thor has a clever plan ... Hent indlæsning HER
The Farm Friends go to the beach, but Sally won’t go. It’s too cold … Hent indlæsning HER
When Max was an evil man, Mo and Sue had to work hard all day and did not have anything to eat. Until there was cake ... Hent indlæsning HER
Zoe buys a Christmas present for her dad. But when they open their presents on Christmas Day, Zoe’s present is not quite what she wanted … Hent indlæsning HER
Zoe and her dad go on a trip. They go for a walk and rest for a while, but Zoe is not enjoying herself. Hent indlæsning HER
Zoe and her dad are skiing. Dad is much faster than Zoe. But it’s not always a good thing to be fast … Hent indlæsning HER
Zoe and her dad go to a café. Dad orders wine and steak and Zoe orders ice cream. But when she comes back from the toilet the ice cream is gone... Hent indlæsning HER
Zoe loves her cat, Tiger, very much. But he poos everywhere and one day Dad gets very angry with Tiger … Hent indlæsning HER
Crocodiles teach you about where and how the crocodile lives. Hent indlæsning HER
Little Red Riding Hood goes into the woods. Here she meets the wolf. She is not afraid. She doesn’t know that wolves are dangerous. Hent indlæsning HER